- Weight Loss
- Digestive Issues
- Chronic Constipation
- Food Intolerances / Elimination Diets
- Healthy Heart / Controlling Cholesterol
- Pregnancy / Fertility
- Baby Weaning & Picky Eaters
- Gut Health for Children and Babies from Colic, Bloating, Abdominal
Pain, Food Intolerances, Rashes, Autoimmune Response, MCAS Management.
- Healthy Eating for the Whole Family
- High Blood Sugar
- Depression / Anxiety
- Thyroid Issues
[1] http://www.barbarakarafokas.com/
[2] https://twitter.com/TheMedLifeDiet
[3] http://cy.linkedin.com/pub/barbara-karafokas/32/b09/3a
[4] https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/barbara-nutritionist
Email: barbara@barbarakarafokas.com
Languages: English and Greek
Tel: +357 99 682327